1. Atomic Habit
Atomic Habits by James Clear is an amazing eye opener about habits. We tend to do everything as we have been doing and they become our habits. How repetitions of bad habits keep repeating itself into cycles and how to break such cycles? Atomic Habit is a book which makes us realize how we are trapped in the patterns of the same habits. Small changes in our daily activities and routine will not only allow us to bring change but also they will have a great impact on our life.
This book is a step to realize how small changes are going to change our life and their compound effect.
2. Why men want sex and women need love
This book is underrated but contains great information about relationships in a light and funny tone. This book contains humorous jokes, but has great information about differences between men and women in terms of their thought process in relationships. My words will be less to make you understand how great this book is. A try is a must.
3. Eat that frog 21 great ways to stop procrastination
Eat that Frog is a Masterpiece when it comes to procrastination, Giving an honest try with all the practical exercises will help you. This book is directly hitting the eye ball rather than beating around the bush. Its simple exercises will help you overcome the procrastination.
In short this book will teach you How to eat your big and scary frog first thing in the morning. Hahaha
4. The compound effect
As Albert Einstein famously said, “Compound Interest is the 8th wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn’t, pays it.”
The Compound Effect is a magical book as it gives us clarity about the 8th wonder which is compound effect. Generally we want to go for big actions while ignoring the importance and relevance of the small actions. This book will help you understand how small actions convert into big results.
If you want to understand how this Compound interest works in our lives, success and income, Give this book a try.
5. Rich dad Poor Dad
Rich dad Poor Dad is known as best # 1 personal finance book, because it makes us understand how small money grows and it thrashes many myths that to become rich we must earn big. This book earlier got many criticisms but later on it turned out to be bestselling.
Grab this book and meet Rich Dad and Poor Dad at the same time. J
6. 5 am Club
If you love your bed in the morning but have somewhere desire to get up early in the morning then this book will help you. This book is narrated as a story but effective enough to motivate and encourage you to make your morning routine and how this routine will lead you to success.
7. Secrets of Power Negotiating: Inside Secrets from a Master Negotiator
Negotiation has been part of our daily lives. I did not mean we all do that but somewhere want to pay less but either we hesitate to do so or we do not know how to do that. This book is a very crisp and practical manual to start. Negotiation is actually a skill which takes time to learn but to learn it this book is a great start. If you are into business this book is a must.
8. The intelligent Investor
The intelligent investor is the best book by Benjamin Graham. It has taught and inspired many people about investing.
9. Power of Now
The Power of Now by Ekhart Tolle
It’s a beautiful book not to be read with mind but with an open heart. Reading it gives a new look about life. Live in the present and be in the present “This book shows us that we worry about the future and regret about the past and the worst part is both are out of our control. Living in the present and spending our precious time being in the present is a solution.
10. Think and Grow Rich
Think and Grow Rich is a direct and to the point book, I would not say it’s a small book but the content is worth the time we spend on it. This book speaks about emotions, Conscious and subconscious mind. The mindset we should have in the brief is its full recipe for success and achieving our desires.